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Self-Directed IRA Blog

Welcome to the Madison Trust Self-Directed IRA blog! Here, you will find posts about a wide variety of topics related to Self-Directed IRAs. Whether you're interested in learning about what you can invest in or you need a guide to help set up your account, you can find all the help and information you need right here.

Whether you're looking for information about account maintenance, investing in real estate, or setting up a checkbook IRA, we can help! New posts are always being added, so be sure to check back regularly to stay up-to-date on all of the information you need to know about investing with a Self-Directed IRA.

Let Our Self-Directed IRA Specialists Help You Gain Control of Your Investments

If you can't find information on the specific topic you're looking for, don't hesitate to reach out: We place a high value on transparency and clarity here at Madison Trust Company, and you're always welcome to contact us via email, phone, or online chat. Our CISP-trained team members are ready to answer your questions or assist you with setting up your new Self-Directed IRA.

Our dedication to client support is one of the main reasons why so many people rely on Madison Trust, along with our flat fee structure that never includes hidden or unexpected costs. No matter how much your Self-Directed IRA grows, your fees remain the same. Sign up for a Self-Directed IRA today and discover the Madison Trust advantage for yourself!

5 Money Moves for Investors to Make Before Year-End

Let’s face it, this year has been tough both financially and mentally. To end the year on a high note, investors should perform a little portfolio management. Here are five of the best money moves to make before the end of 2020.    Why is maximizing your retirement contributions important?   Type of Retirement Account Contribution Limit 2020 Contribution […]
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December 16, 2020

What Does a Biden Win Mean for Your Retirement?

After an election season like no other, Joe Biden has been voted in as the next President of the United States. Whether or not you’re happy with the results, having a new president leads to many questions. What changes will a new president make to public policy? Should I invest differently based on these changes? How will these changes affect my daily life […]
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November 23, 2020

7 Retirement Planning Mistakes to Avoid during Coronavirus

Covid-19 has caused many disruptions in our lives. You may feel overwhelmed while working from home, checking the stock market, and disinfecting everything in sight. However, despite all of the new changes and unknowns, now is not the time to lose sight of your financial goals.   Here are seven retirement planning mistakes to avoid during Coronavirus: Mistake #1: Not Revisiting your Budget   The […]
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November 6, 2020

5 Ways to Celebrate National Financial Awareness Day

National Financial Awareness Day is on August 14th. It's a great opportunity to consider how your financial decisions now affect your future retirement and make financial changes for the better.
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August 14, 2020

Is the 401(k) Still Working?

The 401(k) plan, like all retirement plans, was meant to incentivize people to save for retirement.  It accomplished this by officially offering some big tax incentives. Put money into the plan and reap the benefits. What happens, though, when the tax environment changes and those benefits disappear? In a recent Bloomberg Op-Ed, Aaron Brown details the 401(k) shift and explains why investors might want to reconsider.  […]
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July 24, 2020

Why the IRS CARES About RMDs

When the IRS releases new IRA information, it’s dry, boring, and usually just a technical thing that your accountant needs to know about. This time, though, the IRS update has some real need-to-know kind of news. It’s about the CARES Act and it can affect you right now. Let’s start with a quick overview and then move on to […]
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July 1, 2020

Covid and the Little Investor

Everybody and his sister has an opinion about Covid and the state of the world today. Although we don’t begrudge anybody their First Amendment right, it does make it hard to plan for a comfortable retirement.  Who are you supposed to listen to get your ducks in a row? Obviously, there are no guarantees in investments, but if you want to look for advice from […]
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June 19, 2020

Feds Find Favor in Freeing Funds

DOL Acknowledges Retirement Investing Can Extend Beyond Wall Street What does the Department of Labor have to do with your retirement planning? A lot. The DOL regulates the kinds of assets that your IRA and 401k can invest in and tries to make sure that brokers follow the Fiduciary Rule. In short, a broker or […]
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June 8, 2020
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